How to Make Your Home More Spacious and Say Goodbye to Clutter!

How to Make Your Home More Spacious and Say Goodbye to Clutter!

How to Make Your Home More Spacious and Say Goodbye to Clutter!

It is time to make your home more spacious and say goodbye to clutter for good! If you’re thinking of adding onto your home because it’s becoming too cramped, but can’t afford to have it done, then think about clearing your home of junk. How to make your home more spacious? With some quick tips and tricks from Junk-B-Gone Junk Removal Services, You’ll have 20-30% more space in your home in no time! The method is to trash the “junk” and “organize” or “relocate” the other items.  Storage units, boxes and bins, these are all great strategies that will be discussed further in this blog. It may take some time diligence to complete this “organizing” project of yours but when it comes to junk removal or labor services give Junk-B-Gone a call! We lead the junk removal industry with excellent service, affordable pricing, and we are the best at what we do!

Storage Units – How to Make Your Home More Spacious and Say Goodbye to Clutter!

First, let’s begin with the most effective method in saying goodbye to junk and making your home more spacious. Essentially, the method is as such; rent a storage unit. There are many sizes available so space won’t be a problem! The only upfront downside of renting a storage unit is that your extra items will be a short drive away and you will have a monthly bill for renting the unit. The upfront upside of renting a storage unit and moving your excess items there is that you can create a lot of space within your home quick and not have to trash or junk your items. You can have Junk-B-Gone move the items from your home to the storage unit as well! Do NOT worry about asking how to make your home more spacious! We have you covered!

Boxes and Bins ARE another Effective way to Make Your Home More Spacious

Having smaller items throughout the home scattered everywhere is a nightmare! Not to worry! Let Junk-B-Gone Junk Removal Services bring in bins and boxes, label each bin according to their contents, and place the bins/boxes elsewhere. If you are an arts and crafts fan, then you know how much clutter can be caused by your craft! Not to worry, follow our guide thoroughly and you will have your house Junk and Clutter free in no time! This is an effective and quick method to making a home more spacious! Containers can be used when you’re in the purging process of getting rid of old toys and other knickknacks that accumulate in the play area within your home. Use four bins or containers and organize them as such: keep, donate, trash, and other room. Then sort the items accordingly. When you’re done purging, organize everything you’re keeping into containers – small cups, big bins, whatever works – and label everything so there’s a place for everything. Don’t forget to make sure your kids know how to put everything in its place so the area stays tidy!  

Divide Your Items into Three Groups to Make Your Home More Spacious

Items to be Kept (Stay)

These are items that “stay” at the home and are not going to another location. They can be moved within the home, but they will stay on the property. Generally the rule of thumb is do you use these items and the condition of them. Otherwise if you don’t have use immediately for these items, they can proceed to fit into the other categories.

Junk Items (Trashed) EFFECTIVE for Making Your Home More Spacious

These are items that are “junk” or “trash” and Junk-B-Gone will come in and do the heavy lifting! You just point and away the junk goes! Refer back to our homepage and see for yourself! When it comes to Junk Removal Services in the Northern Virginia area, you can always count on Junk-B-Gone! Give us a call @703-939-5648! Junk Removal is an EFFECTIVE way in making your home more spacious.

Donation Items (Charity)

These are items that will be donated to charity. “you” can either choose to donate the items yourself or hire a service like Junk-B-Gone. Donating items has a huge positive impact on the community in which we live in. People in need and families can use your old items and the plus side is you can write the donation off on your taxes as long as your keep the “donation receipt.” If you need any help finding a reputable local donation center just visit our “charities we support” page!

Making The Tough Decisions About What To Keep

As you go through your items within the home whether it be junk, donation items, or items to be kept, here are some questions to consider when making the final decision.
  • Have you used it in the past year?
  • Is it outdated or no longer is style?
  • Have you or someone in the family outgrown it.
  • Are they still interested in this game or activity?
  • Is it broken, torn or are pieces missing?
  • Does it have sentimental value?
  • Do you keep it because of how much you paid too much for it?

Common Organizing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them When Making Your Home More Spacious

  1. Up first is probably everyone’s nightmare; PAPER Unless your only clutter problem is paper, don’t use paper as your starting point, but a majority of people suffer from an overload in the paper they have whether it is from the local mailman, or your  kids bringing a piece of school home with them. Start by shredding important documents and such. Then, trash loose papers that don’t provide much use. You can get folders for any “stacks” of paper and minimize the clutter.
  2. Taking time to decide the “perfect” recipient for an unwanted item.When it comes to organizing, perfection is definitely the enemy of progress. If you decide you don’t want something just put it aside in a “giveaway” or “donate” pile and keep going.
  3. Confusing organizing with making your home more spacious. It is important not to confuse the 2 terms. Do NOT get distracted with organizing and putting things “away” It is a common mistake that takes up a lot of time without any progress on the task at hand. Decluttering is removing the items from the space and into a different one thus making your room more spacious!
  4. Being unwilling to let it go because it cost you so much when you bought it. Unfortunately if you bought an item and do NOT use it, then it is time for it to go to the “donate” or “relocate” pile. Don’t get attached to valuable items that you bought in the past and never use currently.
  5. Not knowing what to consider to help you make decisions. Clutter is the result of deferred decisions.  Consider asking yourself any of these questions when you feel stuck in indecision.
  • Do I love it or does it bring me joy?
  • Is it something I use, or plan to use in the next 12 months?
  • If it disappeared, would I miss it?
  • If I saw it in a store would I buy it?
  • Does it evoke positive memories or negative emotions.?
  • Is it mine to decide about?
  • Have I made this item more important than me or my family?​​
  If you’ve followed our junk removal and organizing tips then you’ll end up with a beautiful, spacious home, with absolutely zero clutter or junk in sight. The space was always there, but the junk and clutter was in the way; now you can gaze at the sunrise and sunset from your window again all thanks to Junk-B-Gone Junk Removal Services in Northern Virginia. If you come across junk during the organization process, think no more! Call Junk-B-Gone @ 703-939-5648 or simply fill out the form on this page!
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